Take a Private
Lesson Tour!

Let's start with what I bring to the lesson and what I expect my students to bring to the lesson.
Here's a handy list:
What I Bring to the Lesson

I bring a wealth of experience and insight to my lessons. I was fortunate to have studied with several positive, nurturing flute instructors whose excellent teaching and guidance helped me to achieve my goals and realize my dream of becoming a professional musician and teacher. I provide the same kind of learning environment for my students.
Methods and materials tailored to each individual student's needs, always focusing on reinforcing tone, technique, and musicality.
My goal is for the student to learn one new thing each lesson -- or improve upon a skill s/he has been struggling with.
A willingness to listen.
Positive reinforcement, encouragement, and honesty.
Lots of duet books!
My cat Pepper Jack. Okay, I don't bring him -- he sometimes wanders into the studio on his own.

What I Expect the Student to Bring to the Lesson
A flute in good working condition
Lesson materials
Prepared to play assignments
Any audition, chair test, or band music s/he needs help with
Questions -- and answers!
Enthusiasm and a sense of humor
Did I mention we play lots of duets? Be ready to sightread anything from Boismortier to Joplin to Disney!

A typical lesson can be divided into four parts:
1) Warmups/Tone Studies
2) Scales & Etudes
3) The student's current repertoire: solo, audition materials, or special music for band or another activity
4) End with a duet.